Costin LIANU
Director General USH Pro Business
Procurement Expert TRANSELECTRICA
Procurement Expert TRANSELECTRICA
Emmanuel MOREL
Banca Europeana de Investitii
Emmanuel MOREL
Banca Europeana de Investitii
Alin Izvoran :
”Imi place maxim Marin Preda : "o furnica nu poate rasturna un munte, dar il poate muta din loc incet, bucatica cu bucatica"
pentru ca despre asta e vorba in ceea ce trebuie facut, legea si conditia Romaniei implica schimbari … fundamentale de gandire.
Altfel este in zadar, nu vom face achizitii transfrontaliere, nu vom descentraliza nimic ... din pacate parca noi inca suntem (din punctul de vedere al achizitiilor) oamenii din pesteri ... vrem sa facem … sa iesim din pesteri dar suntem blocati (mental) la pestera noastra.”
Robin Jackson is one of the best-known and respected figures in the procurement world.
He has held senior management positions with major corporations including the Ford Motor Company, Philips Electronics and Nissan before joining ADR International in 1988.
With ADR International he has amassed a wealth of hands-on purchasing experience with clients worldwide in Europe, the US, South Africa, APAC and Australasia.
He has led projects in many sectors including pharmaceutical, automotive, engineering, rail, FMCG, financial, building materials and footwear. Robin regularly writes for publications and is happy to speak with authority on any issue connected with purchasing, procurement and supply chain management, at local or global level. Robin became CEO of ADR International in April 2007 when the company restructured to take advantage of increasing demands for procurement services.
Christina Leucuta is currently Senior Advisor CLUSTERO - Romanian Clusters Association, with over 25 years of experience in managing projects on industrial policies. While she was Director at the Ministry of Economy-Directorate for Industrial Policies she initiated the Romanian Cluster Policy. She has performed consultancy work for the International Labour Organization-ILO on social innovation and the decent work concept in the Romanian TCF sectors. She was the representative of Romania in the Enterprise Policy Group-Director General within European Commission-DG Enterprise and Industry and TAIEX consultant for the Republic of Moldova and Turkey on clusters. Since 2008, Christina Leucuta has carried out research on clustering process and competitiveness, social and industrial innovation, SMEs promotion and value chain development.
Christina Leucuta holds a Master in Economics-International Economic Relationships from the Academy of Economics, Bucharest Romania and several diplomas in technology foresight for decision makers (UNIDO Viena), cluster managers trainings (France Clusters, Innovation Norway), European integration (Irish Management Institute). She is also a Special Ambassador of the Danube Region and Member in the Steering Committee of the PA8 Competitiveness and Clusters of Excellence of EUSDR.experience on institutional strengthening and capacity development of public sector, especially in environment.
Emmanuel has more than 20 year's professional experience on institutional strengthening and capacity development of public sector, especially in environment.
He has been involved as expert in Public Procurement (Services, works, supply and PPP contracts), fund raise, and contract management (FIDIC or equivalent, PPP, services...) and water management in Romania, Bulgaria, England, France and Egypt.
Emmanuel has been involved in more than 10 projects as expert in these various fields or as trainer (FIDIC, management of public services, water management, IWM..., Management of PPP).
He also supported public authorities in the preparation of Application for funds and the implementation of water and wastewater projects participating in the reorganisation of public services
Emmanuel prepared more than 30 trainings and trained more than 300 staffs from local and central authorities.
Dl. Lianu Costin, este cadru didactic universitar, doctor în economie - domeniul Asistenta externa nerambursabila, expert în comert exterior si relatii economice internationale. A detinut functiile de Director si Director General în cadrul Ministerului Economiei, în perioada 2003-2015.
A fost coordonator al Strategiei Nationale pentru Export în anii 2005 - 2014, iar din anul 2015 a preluat aceasta însarcinare din împuternicirea expresa a componentei private a Consiliului de Export.
Este autor a numeroase articole, carti în domeniile: managementul strategic, branding, competitivitate si marketing atât la nivelul firmelor cât si la nivel sectorial, regional si national.
Este coordonator al Ariei Prioritare PA8, pentru Competitivitate din cadrul Strategiei Uniunii Europene a Regiunii Dunarii (S.U.E.R.D.) mandatat de Consiliul de Export.
În calitate de Director General al USH Pro Business a pus bazele unor pachete de servicii care vizeaza dezvoltarea antreprenoriala si a coordonat realizarea unor evenimente centrate pe nevoile firmelor care s-au bucurat de o audienta semnificativa. Coordoneaza managementul clusterelor BIO DANUBIUS, CERMAND, BIO TECH.
Costin LIANU
Director General USH Pro Business